Sleep and Feng Shui: an important aspect not to be overlooked in the design of the bedrooms and in the choice of their furniture. In collaboration with Cinius Torino


Sleep and Feng Shui: an important aspect – Foto di Claudio Scot da Pixabay

The area of the house dedicated to resting activity tends to be the north, which is not always be the best choice, because the maximum energy yin, or a stream of cold, wet Qi, can accentuate psychological imbalances and sleep disorders of the inhabitants.

Particular care must therefore be placed not only in the choice of the direction of the bedroom, but also of the bed itself.

It should also be considered besides the direction also the type of furniture, the colors and the materials, in particular those of the bed and mattress.

 The northbound

In the case of particularly cold north directions (especially in the case of walls in direct contact with the outside) we must set the decor on wood materials and ‘warm fabrics’ both for furnitures and floors, avoiding not only the use of metal beds, networks and spring mattresses, but also water and Memory mattresses (in particular the Waterlily model), which are more suitable to east and southeast directions.

Very useful to compensate for a cold north in a bedroom is the placement of the bed towards ‘hot wall’ like southeast or southwest using wooden materials (planks and bed) and futon mattresses.

The eastbound

Same goes for bedrooms oriented to the east where the bed can also be put towards the colder walls of the north and northeast, using wooden materials and futon mattresses. The eastbound is very beneficial for those who want to be ready to get up in the morning but also in the evening to be greeted by a soft atmosphere but warm colors.

The southbound

In general the south is considered unfavorable for a bedroom, as well as the only orientation of the bed: too much fire power. If it is not possible to avoid it, you should forgo using latex mattresses with heating materials such as rubber or foam.

The westbound

In rooms with southwest, west and northwest exposures solutions are possible with beds in iron structures and latex mattresses or Memory, unless there are already other elements Fire, in which case the best solution is always the use of futon.


So not always the northern direction is possible and desirable, but there are multiple solutions that serve to compensate for any problems in the orientation of furniture and rooms.

Obviously this article is only a general examination of the various possibilities, but we must distinguish from case to case, being more specific in the design about not only the materials, colours, shapes and related harmonisation but also about the energy characteristics of the site inhabitants.