Fabio Petrella was born in Turin in 1958
He graduated in Agricultural Sciences and got a specialization in Pedology; since 1989 he has been employed as pedologist at a Research Institute of the Piedmont Region. His cv is available at https://www.linkedin.com/pub/fabio-petrella/15/4bb/817.
He has been scholar of astronomy and astrology since 1982, and he was educated at CIDA ( Centro Italiano di Astrologia) with Sergio Ghivarello as master.
Walking a spiritual path he developed an interest in eastern culture and philosophy through practicing Yoga, Tai Qi Quan and Aikido (masters: George Dharmarama, Marco Panero, Nando Silvano)
He has broadened his knowledge of the Heaven-Earth interactions by the practice of dowsing based on Gilbert Fleck’s teachings.
He learned Feng Shui in 1994 thanks to the teachings of Roberto Marrocchesi, a Feng Shui expert as well as a well-known nutrionist.
He has made a synthesis between eastern and western philosophical and cognitive systems so as to offer an integrated practical method using both Astrology and Feng Shui. The result of this work has been published on a specialized journal (Linguaggio Astrale).
He has been a Feng Shui teacher at Centroriente of Turin since 2000, where a wide choice of courses are offered, from basic Feng Shui (http://www.tuttocina.it/corsi/fengshui.htm) to Chinese Astrology (http://www.tuttocina.it/corsi/astrologia-cinese.htm)
He collaborates with Cinius Interior Design and Furnishing in Turin since 2012
He is author of the book “The Red Thread of Feng Shui” (Turin, 2018)
Main publications:
Petrella F., Pinneri R., Un esempio di tecnica integrata per lo studio dello spazio terrestre, Linguaggio Astrale, pagg. 66-74, anno X, n.1, I semestre 1998.
Petrella F., La sonda Pathfinder e l’opposizione Marte-Saturno: alcune riflessioni sul pianeta rosso, Linguaggio Astrale, pagg.117-125, anno XXVII, n.109, inverno 1997.
Petrella F., Il Drago Cinese di Primavera, Lex Aurea, Libera Rivista Digitale Di Formazione Esoterica, 26 settembre 2005, n°12.
Petrella F., ‘The Case and the Canon in Chinese and Jewish Numerological Traditions: analogies between the Yi Jing and the Sepher Yetzirah’. Da: ‘The Case and the Canon: Anomalies, Discontinuities, Metaphors between Science and Literature, A. Calanchi et alia, Interfacing Science, Literature and the Humanities, ACUME 2, vol.7, 2011, V&R unipress GmbH.
Petrella F., Astronomia Cinese e Feng Shui, Quaderni Astrologici n°0, Astrolabs.it , 2016
Petrella F., Pinneri R., Come interagire localmente con la situazione astrologica, Quaderni Astrologici n°0, Astrolabs.it, 2016
Petrella F., Petrella E., A Feng Shui Study for Sherlock Holmes, da: ‘His everlasting bow’ Italian Studies in Sherlock Holmes, edited by A.Calanchi, S.Knight, Collana Urbinoir studi 8, Aras edizioni, 2016
Petrella F., Astronomia Cinese e Feng Shui 2, Quaderni Astrologici n°1, Astrolabs.it , 2017
Petrella F., “Feng Shui” Holmes: una questione di metodo, in corso di pubblicazione su ‘The Strand Magazine’ edito dall’Associazione Uno Studio in Holmes
Petrella F., Il Filo Rosso del Feng Shui, ed. Astrology&FengShui, Torino, 2018.