Healing with Feng Shui

Healing with Feng Shui means recognizing in our home a “design” that represents us, a secret form of our soul (Gestalt) that allows us a profound realization, beyond the architectural-housing criteria, thanks also to astrological applications.

Healing with Feng Shui by the help of astrology is a deep operation which implies to work through through graphs and drawings: these tools are the practical and theoretical key to working and applying the two systems to the design and creation of our environments, both internal (houses and apartments) and external (green areas in general, such as terraces and gardens), in strict connection with ourselves.

William Blake – The Emanation of Albion – By William Blake – The William Blake Archive, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=23817420

The two main geometric figures of reference are the circle and the square, which in both systems represent Heaven and Earth, respectively; much has been said, even on this website, about the balance between these two universal archetypes, a balance on which the yin-yang theory of Taoism is based.


Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd´s Yin och Yang, bronze, 1991, at the sculpture park of Skissernas museum By Boberger. Photo: Bengt Oberger – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15823504

Here, however, we want to go beyond this archetypal duality, and search within it for the characteristic elements of each of us, the aspects that denote the “design” that we have chosen for our fulfillment as human beings and which therefore also passes through the construction of the environment that most closely surrounds us, that is, the space of our home.

If anyone has used an astrological software, they will have seen that it is possible to project three astronomical circles: ecliptic, equatorial and azimuthal and subsequently it is possibile to trace, within these circles, a jumble of geometric figures that connect various points and make possible complex interpretations. Similarly, inside the Chinese Compass, and in particular inside the Ba Gua or the Eight Directions, the plan of our environment is oriented with its rooms, its corridors and its corners and secret arrows (Sha Qi).


Geometric scheme of the Eight Directions of Feng Shui (Ba Gua) – The eight trigrams arranged with the cardinal directions of King Wen (south at the top). It has been cropped from a scan from the University of Michigan’s library (see File:Sacred Books of the East – Volume 16.djvu). By James Legge – Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XVI, Plate II, Fig. 1, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=112376193

Finding a deep connection between these forms and the design of Destiny, of our “daimon”, which accompanies us in our earthly journey, is the key to a happy Feng Shui realization in our homes and therefore also in our soul; for this reason the article is entitled “Healing Feng Shui”.


Artistic representation of the “daimon” – Category:Antinous as Agathos Daimon, Antikensammlung Berlin 361 – By Воскресенский Петр – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145079238

We all agree that we could be the architects of our own destiny, but we also know that the undertaking is far from simple, so we need a lot of help along the way, fundamental in this sense is our dqimon’s assistance who is hidden within us and leads us to “meet” and “discover” outside of us something that has been hidden within us since the beginning of our existence.

Thus, ancient domains of knowledge such as astrology appear as lights on the path of self-realization, which have its foundation in what can be defined as the acorn that contains the entire oak: the horoscope that provides indications on the individual’s potential for fulfillment.

One of the astrological applications is geographical and allows us to transpose the horoscopical birth chart onto the terrestrial horizon and also within the Chinese Compass, in order to study our home through our horoscope and deduce all the resonances between the two “drawings”.

Ancient Earth-Sky Representation – MHS 46769 Astrolabe Mater – By http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk//wp-content/themes/mhs-2017-responsive/imu-media.php?irn=45712See this link to request additional images and resolutions from the Museum., CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=72401107

We may thus realize that there is a distance between the ideal and the real, between what we would like to be and what we are, between the house of our dreams and the environment where we live.

Often, reading the horoscope interpretation does nothing but strengthen the internal, unconscious resistance to change; working with Feng Shui, instead, with the help of the birth chart, is good for us because it makes us architects of our destiny, participating actors of our life and builders of our external and internal space: this is what healing Feng Shui means.

It is therefore important to work “step by step” with Feng Shui at home, increasing the awareness that a “correct” line of propitious energy at home corresponds to a subtle reflection in the universe, as a resonance is created, a vibrational agreement between microcosm and macrocosm, attested by the graph of our birth chart that harmonizes within the home and thus tunes space and time.

This synchronization is the ultimate goal of the “daimon”, our bridge between Earth and Heaven, support of our soul in the earthly incarnation.

Example of Feng Shui implementation by astrological criteria – Ph. by Danila O.