Telluric Energies

Telluric Energies and Feng Shui. The Earth’s magnetic fields, studied by science, dowsing and Taoism, are shown to be important factors in influencing human activity on Earth and improving the Qi of homes.

The Earth’s magnetic field is subject to a general constant variability generated by the gravitational fields of the Earth and the Moon during their mutual movement and a local variability generated by the discontinuities of the Earth’s crust, characterized by solids (solid mineral part) and voids, i.e. cracks, fissures and faults of varying size and depth, subject to being filled in a completely variable way in time and space by water. The variable arrangement of these complex structures generates the so-called telluric energies.


Example of a fault – NASA Earth Observatory images by Robert Simmon and Jesse Allen, using Landsat data from the USGS Earth Explorer. Caption by Adam Voiland., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

It should be noted, however, that a certain type of water and fault originate telluric energies typical of ‘sacred’ places.

Underground river – Photo by Sergio Cerrato – Italy from Pixel

Measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field can be made by electronic instruments (geomagnetometers) or by using the amplification of the weak electromagnetic field of the human body (dowsing).


17th century dowser – By Thomas Pennant – This image is available from the National Library of Wales, Public Domain,


Geomagnetometer in measurement function – Ph. by Fabio Petrella

In both cases, it is rather difficult to have univocal measurements since the variations of the field are multiple in space and changeable over time, so the signal, both instrumental and human, are conditioned by the sum or differential of multiple contemporary phenomena and in the same place.

As Sig Lonegren explains well in his book “Spiritual dowsing” there are different types of telluric energies and we can distinguish between “sacred” telluric energies and “ordinary” telluric energies

The ‘sacred’ telluric energies are made up of two channels: one feminine, which carries so-called primary water and the other masculine.

The primary water flows from the deep layers of the earth under pressure and spurts out, often originating springs.

These flows of water are often conveyed by powerful masculine energies that run together with them, in the form of swirling air.

It is no coincidence that an ancient Chinese art of knowledge of the energy of places is called Feng Shui, which in Chinese means Wind and Water, where the male polarity Yang is Air and the female polarity Yin is Water.

The “sacred” telluric has been studied by many researchers (The Sun and Serpent) especially along the alignments of stones from the Neolithic era, along the “Celtic” axis that starts from the north of Spain, passes through Brittany and ends in Great Britain where sites such as Avebury and Stonehenge are known throughout the world.

Avebury: megalith – Photo by hallidayfineart from Pixabay

The hypothesis is that the large aligned stones act as catalysts and conductors of the telluric. These types of energies are also present in the Susa Valley along the Michael line. According to many spiritual researchers, these sacred telluric lines are the fundamental channels of communication that connect different terrestrial energy centers, thus generating events and phenomena connected to each other (synchronic lines).

Unfortunately, before knowing how to identify them well, you must first train with the more ‘ordinary’ telluric phenomena; the advice is, in any case, to try to measure them both with scientific instruments (geomagnetometers) and with dowsing.

The telluric according to Feng Shui always has to do with the Qi (subtle energy) of a place and can be analyzed to improve its living quality, but, as mentioned, telluric phenomena of importance not only local, but linked to long underground water courses that temporarily occupy fractures of the earth’s crust, can be present and studied.

Faults are always important energy channels connected with the volcanic and magmatic activities of the Earth and along the large faults there are always very active and creative places: two above all, San Francisco and Naples.

San Andreas Fault from satellite – By USGS –, Public Domain, via Commons Wikimedia

In general, ‘unstable’ but creative countries are along contact lines between continental plates: Italy is located on the separation between Africa and Eurasia…., Israel along another geological fracture that connects with the Rift Valley, a territory along which man perhaps originated, Japan in the Far East…..and the examples could continue for a long time!