Astrological karma in generational succession

Understanding the reasons for an individual and/or collective destiny, fruit of action or karma, can be a great help. If we turn to ancient wisdom, both the Western and Eastern traditions bring us many documentary testimonies and books of philosophy and religion about the transmigration of souls and the karma or destiny of men. And astrology also deals with fate, which is called “astrological karma”.


According to Plato or Pythagoras, or else to Hermes Trismegistus or even to the Bardo Thodol, the continuous exchange between the world of the living and of the dead was based on reincarnation. The theme is also present in Judaism, and there is a specific term ‘Gilgul‘ that defines it.

Astrological karma
Plato’s statue – Ph. by Michael Kauer from Pixabay

since Astrology does not ignore man’s cosmic purposes, it places him in a space-time dimension that goes beyond one limited life cycle and by reading the birth chart as a reincarnation, the current life, represenitng the result of the previous lives.

This kind of reading is based on the interpretation of some particular aspects and astronomical points within a horoscope, such as the 4th, 8th and 12th houses, the retrogradation of the planets, the planetary nodes (ecliptic alignments) and particular phases of the lunar cycle (apogee ), lastly the position of Saturn.

Astrological karma
The buddhist karmic wheel – Ph. by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay

In the esoteric astrological tradition that deals with karma and reincarnation, the positions in the birth chart of the Dragon Axis and the Black Moon are fundamental.

Astrological karma
The symbols of the Dragon’s Head and Tail – Depiction of the Dragon’s Head and Tail – Illustration from Astronomicum Caesareum: The movable disk that provides the rules for predicting solar and lunar eclipses. One of the disks depicts a many-headed dragon and a partial solar eclipse – By Petrus Apianus – This file comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b26000395, Public Domain, via Commons Wikipedia

From an astronomical point of view, the Axis of the Dragon consists of two virtual points, the lunar nodes, called Head and Tail of the Dragon, in which the orbit of the Moon intersects the plane of the Earth’s orbit. The Black Moon can be confused with various celestial bodies, such as the asteroid Lilith, but it has to be considered another virtual point relating to the lunar orbit, called lunar apogee, which represents the farthest position of the Moon  from the Earth.

Both the lunar nodes and the lunar apogee are elements of the astrological karma that are very useful for psychoanalytic interpretations, as they are related, going back to their mythological meaning, to unconscious factors of rejection or emotional block.

The hereditary factors transmitted within a family are studied in genetics, in medicine and in psychology. The mechanism of passing from one generation to another is a subject of study and in-depth analysis by transgenerational psychology.

Since Jung’s time, astrology has been the subject of attention psychology, and the exchange between these two disciplines has always been fertile, proof of which are several highly successful essays such as the book by LIz Greene ‘Astrology and Destiny’ in which the factors of astrological karma are covered extensively.

Astrological karma
Portrait of Jung in his mature age by an unknown artist – Transferred from el.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:MARKELLOS using CommonsHelper., Public
Domain, Commons Wikipedia

Thus, unconscious blocks and rejections are factors that condition the natural evolution of the individual which  can be shared within the family and transmitted for generations until they are resolved in one way or another, and so the karma cancelled.

In other words, it is a mechanism that can be defined as ‘karmic’ if we understand it as a process of inheritance of psychological complexes and situations that tend to be repeated over time, hindering the individual’s fulfillment and at the same time pushing him towards his destiny or karma. more or less consciously.

So, carrying theri burden of karma, individual and collective destiny intersect within the first microcosm that man experiences at the beginning of his life: the family.

In parallel with the psychological analysis, a transgenerational astrological study  could be very useful and interesting to shed light on the large dark areas of memories and family secrets: often the repetition of blocks and complexes, conflicts and pathologies, is confirmed or highlighted from an astrological interpretation able to identify important analogies among the various familiar astral themes, in some cases precisely by analyzing the so-called astrological factors of karma described above such as the lunar nodes and the apogee.

Astrological karma
The Moon at apogee and perigee – NASA APOD 25 October 2007 (photo comparison February/September 2006) Original uploader: Tomruen at English Wikipedia. – Moved from en.wikipedia to Commons by Mike Peel by CommonsHelper.CC BY-SA 3.0 by Wikimedia Commons

Here is an example to conclude.

A young woman born in 2000 ‘inherits’ from her mother’s branch a ‘critical’ position of the Moon, conjunct to the Black Moon in Capricorn. The maternal great-grandmother transmits the same astrological configuration to her great-granddaughter, via grandmother and mother, who are marked by similar positions of the lunar apogee. This is a family history marked by a difficult relationship of women with their own femininity, and consequently with being a mother and a wife. A ‘karma’ which the latest generation has the absolute imperative to solve. Note that in the girl’s horoscope the conjunction is reinforced by the presence of the Dragon’s Tail, an unequivocal sign of the transmission of that type of karma from the past. Moreover the great-grandmother’s name and her great-granddaughter’s name coincide, certainly not by chance ……..

Astrological karma
The imprint of family karma: an astrological profile of the great-grandmother
astrological karma
The imprint of family karma: an astrological profile of the great-granddaughter