Sunflower greenery with Feng Shui

The sunflower plant, symbol of solar Fire par excellence, is considered the crown of Jupiter for the special shape of its petals arranged in a spiral and is particularly useful in Feng Shui applications of green. In the Celtic calendar it is associated with the summer solstice festival, Litha. Sunflower photo by jose poblete from pixabay (Free for use under…

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May plants for Feng Shui

Choice and arrangement of May plants in homes according to Astrology and the Chinese Compass The seasonal cycle in the period of May goes through an extremely important period for the growth of solar energy and May plants, preparing to reach its peak at the solstice in June. This period is marked by the Celtic calendar which recognizes as key…

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According to the Astrology&FengShui method by Fabio Petrella, it is possible to integrate the information deriving from the Feng Shui Chinese Compass with the position of Venus and the other planets in the birth horoscope and in other astral maps (Transits, Solar Revolution, Directions, etc.), by projecting it into the Local Space according to alto-azimuth coordinates. A general scheme is…

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Feng Shui Design for a holistic centre

Feng Shui Design for a holistic centre: furnishing criteria, organization of spaces, choice of colors, shapes and materials for a holistic centre. A Feng Shui Design for a holistic centre is always characterized by the application of the Chinese Compass (Ba Gua) on the plan of the study, drawn in order to identify the Eight Directions, as shown in figure…

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The Chinese Compass

The Chinese Compass: description, composition, origin and applications to harmonize and furnish homes with Feng Shui in balance with the cosmos. The Chinese Compass is a geomantic compass called ‘Lo Pan’: ‘Lo’ means “anything” and ‘Pan’ means “cup”. In fact, the ‘Lo Pan’ is a circular cup that contains all the mysteries of the earth. It is used to determine…

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Telluric Energies

Telluric Energies and Feng Shui. The Earth’s magnetic fields, studied by science, dowsing and Taoism, are shown to be important factors in influencing human activity on Earth and improving the Qi of homes. The Earth’s magnetic field is subject to a general constant variability generated by the gravitational fields of the Earth and the Moon during their mutual movement and…

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Healing with Feng Shui

Healing with Feng Shui means recognizing in our home a “design” that represents us, a secret form of our soul (Gestalt) that allows us a profound realization, beyond the architectural-housing criteria, thanks also to astrological applications. Healing with Feng Shui by the help of astrology is a deep operation which implies to work through through graphs and drawings: these tools…

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The Sign of Virgo and Feng Shui

The Sign of Virgo and Feng Shui: insights and connections between Feng Shui and a zodiac sign characterized by the element Earth corresponding with the southwest direction of the Chinese Compass Earth 2. The Sign of Virgo and Feng Shui – Representation of the constellation of Virgo – By Sidney Hall/ Adam Cuerden – This image is available from the…

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Autumn equinox

Autumn equinox, Celtic sacred feast of Mabon: time of balance between astral and terrestrial energies. The astrological frame of the 2024 Autumn Equinox shows an exact grand trine between Moon Sun and Pluto on the cusps between Earth signs and Air signs and, at the same time, an opposition between Mercury/Virgo and Saturn/Pisces. A tendency to an energy change under…

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Astrological karma in generational succession

Understanding the reasons for an individual and/or collective destiny, fruit of action or karma, can be a great help. If we turn to ancient wisdom, both the Western and Eastern traditions bring us many documentary testimonies and books of philosophy and religion about the transmigration of souls and the karma or destiny of men. And astrology also deals with fate,…

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