The ancient Egyptian symbologies of the principle of life on Earth seen through the historical-religious evolution of the astrological meanings of the constellations of the Austral Fish: the star of the Annunciation of Jesus Christ, Fomalhaut, t the Fish Mouth and its connections with Saint Andrew and the zodiac sign of Pisces. The very first mythology to refer to in…

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The Celtic solar cycle, marked by the feasts dedicated to the Nine Ladies of the Lake, is compared with the Taoist scheme of the 8 Directions (Ba Gua) and the 9 Numbers (Lo Shu): two initiation paths of great charm and mysticism. According to in-deep studies on different medieval narratives concerning King Arthur’s life and the feats of the Knights…

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Silver Ox 2021 Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all! According to Chinese Astrology, the year of the Silver Ox begins on February 12, and ends on January 31, 2022. The year of the Silver Ox and Feng Shui of our homes: how to harmonize the astral energies of the new solar cycle. Keywords for the Silver Ox: justice, independence, willpower, intensity, righteousness, determination…

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To work with Fengshui means to help the union of Heaven and Earth, let’s try to do it with the Bugang, an ancient Taoist ritual dance. Bugang is the name of the ancient Taoist ritual dance which literally means “walking on the Net” with reference to the celestial figure recognizable in the constellation of Ursa Major, composed of Nine Stars,…

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The Dragon Turtle combines two of the four celestial animals (Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger and Turtle) in the practice of Feng Shui. This wonderful combination produces a harmonized blend of quality between a dragon and a turtle, namely ambition and wisdom. In our homes it symbolizes high status, longevity and harmony. The Dragon Turtle symbol is very popular in classical and…

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Philosophy and Feng Shui

Philosophy and Feng Shui: a comparison between the oriental foundations of Feng Shui and the first Greek philosophical schools in order to highlight the effectiveness of the Feng Shui method and its applications. It is always difficult to say if someone had copied another author’s work in ancient times, while in the era of globalization the copy-paste philosophy is the…

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The astral theme of the New Year looked at through the position of Aldebaran – St.Michael the guardian star. In the ancient tradition the Giant Aldebaran has always played a fundamental role in the interpretations of the astral picture; since the most ancient time Horus’ Eye has been considered one of the galaxy corners, placed in the constellation of Taurus…

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Michael’s Line in England: from Cornwall to Norfolk the alignment of sacred sites through the religious history looked at from the perspective between the energies of Heaven and Earth, in continuity with the northwest-southeast line from Ireland to Israel. As we have seen in the article on the most famous Michael’s Line, the one that goes from Skelling to Armageddon,…

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Diwali, the Indian festival of light, is celebrated this year on the new moon of November 15, which  is located in the astral framework in the east. We use hyaline quartz to support the Diwali light energy  and its symbols of Fire which we place in the Ba Gua south sector of our homes. Diwali festival celebrates the victory of…

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The Solar Chariot

The myth and religion of the Sun God (Helios) have their origins in the dawn of human history when the solar chariot drawn by horses with fire nostrils was one of the most famous sacred and ancient icons; such symbols and numerologies can be compared with those of Taoism . The figure of Helios is the crossroads of Western mythology,…

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