To work with Fengshui means to help the union of Heaven and Earth, let’s try to do it with the Bugang, an ancient Taoist ritual dance. Bugang is the name of the ancient Taoist ritual dance which literally means “walking on the Net” with reference to the celestial figure recognizable in the constellation of Ursa Major, composed of Nine Stars,…

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The Dragon Turtle combines two of the four celestial animals (Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger and Turtle) in the practice of Feng Shui. This wonderful combination produces a harmonized blend of quality between a dragon and a turtle, namely ambition and wisdom. In our homes it symbolizes high status, longevity and harmony. The Dragon Turtle symbol is very popular in classical and…

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The astral theme of the New Year looked at through the position of Aldebaran – St.Michael the guardian star. In the ancient tradition the Giant Aldebaran has always played a fundamental role in the interpretations of the astral picture; since the most ancient time Horus’ Eye has been considered one of the galaxy corners, placed in the constellation of Taurus…

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The Heroes’ Stone, the Garnet, a precious crystal-therapeutic aid to be applied with Feng Shui to protect and harmonize the home in a critical astral phase. We are in a critical astral situation: last night the new moon in Libra in opposition to Mars and the Black Moon squared to the triple conjunction Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto. The evolution of this lunar cycle…

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Valentine’s Day 2020

The astral framework of Valentine’s Day 2020 and the Fengshui treatments to harmonize energy at home on the day of couple’s love The sky of Valentine’s Day 2020 promises a guncotton day with Uranus and Moon in opposition between East and West: twists and sudden choices are possible, but romance will be guaranteed by the beautiful Jupiter-Vega conjunction which will…

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Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! According to Chinese Astrology, the year of the Golden Pig begins February the 5th and ends January the 24th of 2020. Year of Golden Pig and Feng Shui of our houses: how to harmonize the astral energies of the new solar cycle People born from February 8th 1959 to January 27th 1960 are under…

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Numerology and Classification: “The Book of Creation” and “The Canon of Changes” (Sefer Yezirah and Yi Jing)

Numerology and Classification:  “The Book of Creation” and “The Canon of Changes” (Sefer Yezirah and Yi Jing) Petrella F., ‘The Case and the Canon in Chinese and Jewish Numerological Traditions: analogies between the Yi Jing and the Sepher Yetzirah’. From: ‘The Case and the Canon: Anomalies, Discontinuities, Metaphors between Science and Literature, A. Calanchi et alia, Interfacing Science, Literature and…

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The three energy plans of Feng Shui

The three energy plans of Feng Shui: the ancient thought and the loss of a global vision As already explained in previous articles and in the book The Red Thread of Feng Shui, in ancient China as well as in the rest of the planet, civilizations had in their early days an approach to the surrounding world that we would…

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Saint Michael line

Saint Michael line : history of the spirit and alignments between heaven and earth with a magical vision in time and space. After the last frames of Star Wars episode 7, even the esoteric alignment that for hundreds of years had been attracting more or less restricted  circles of “adepts”, has been revealed to the general public, or, at least,…

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Happy Chinese New Year to all! According to the Chinese Astrology, the Yellow Dog year begins on February the 16th and ends on February the 4th of 2019. Yellow Dog Year and Feng Shui of our homes: how to harmonize the astral energies of the new solar cycle. Under the combination Dog + Earth element (Yellow Dog) there are those…

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