According to the Astrology&FengShui method by Fabio Petrella, it is possible to integrate the information deriving from the Feng Shui Chinese Compass with the position of Venus and the other planets in the birth horoscope and in other astral maps (Transits, Solar Revolution, Directions, etc.), by projecting it into the Local Space according to alto-azimuth coordinates.

Processed using infrared and ultraviolet (IR1, IR2, UV1) filtered images of Venus taken by Akatsuki on September 5 2016. JAXA/ISAS/DARTS/Kevin M. Gill – By Kevin Gill from Los Angeles, CA, United States – Venus – September 5 2016, CC BY 2.0,

A general scheme is now provided to interpret the position of Venus in the various sectors of the Ba Gua, which will be followed in the next articles by interpretations relating to the position of the other main celestial bodies, always with respect to the Chinese Compass.

Before evaluating the position of Venus with respect to the Compass, we must simplify the astrological picture by drawing a summary of the aspects in which it is involved and evaluate whether, as they say, it is well or badly “aspected”. Often the situation is intermediate but in order to give a general scheme it is necessary to proceed in a binary way. Remember that the position of Venus, which on the horoscope is in ecliptic coordinates, must be transformed into altoazimuthal coordinates, using professional astrological software, in order to see how this planet is positioned with respect to the local horizon and therefore to the Compass, which is divided into eight sectors of 45° degrees each. Venus can therefore fall into one of these eight sectors.

Table 1 refers to the position of Venus with respect to the four sectors relating to the cardinal points of the geographic horizon of the place of observation. (If the place of birth and the place of the Feng Shui analysis do not coincide, the horoscope must be moved with a simple software program, an operation recommended especially if the two places are very far from each other in longitude and/or latitude).


Table 1 – Interpretation of Venus according to the four cardinal directions – by Fabio Petrella

The cardinal directions are important both in astrology and in Feng Shui as axes of the world; so if we find Venus aligned exactly with respect to the north, south, east or west, this is a very significant special case regardless of the different energetic meanings attributable to the four geographical and astronomical cardinal points of the Earth-Sky system. It will therefore be a dominant position whether Venus is favorable in the horoscope in question or not. We will therefore be faced with an astral picture in which this planet will have a decisive weight.

According to the studies of Astrology & Feng Shui, however, it will be of great importance to treat with Feng Shui the energies connected with the direction to which Venus is aligned, whatever the angle, called azimuth, with respect to the four cardinal points, because the effectiveness of the favorable position of the planet from the astrological point of view must always be supported by an optimal circulation of the terrestrial Qi.

In the following table 2, a Feng Shui treatment scheme is therefore provided to improve the effects of a positive Venus on the Ba Gua of a house or an environment, or to attenuate those of a negative Venus.


Table 2 – Feng Shui cures according to the position of Venus – by Fabio Petrella

Here are two examples of Venus shapes according to Wu Xing that are always auspicious and that in our case always serve to strengthen the energy of the planet in question and specifically the Metal sector corresponding to the west direction, as indicated in table 2.

Figure 1 – Table with oval “Venus” shapes of good omen according to Feng Shui – “Chalon Oval Dining Table & Chairs” by ChalonHandmade is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Figure 2 – Auspicious “Venus” arch-shaped floor lamp – Photo di Phghvvcftyyufj da Pixabay

It remains to consider the position of Venus on the directions placed at 45° with respect to the cardinal axes, that is, northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest; also in this case if the alignment is exact with respect to these angles, the greater the effectiveness of the position will be, always regardless of its more or less favorable astrological aspects.

Let’s see in table 3 a summary of Venus in these directions:


Table 3 – Interpretation of Venus according to the half-directions – by Fabio Petrella

As for the cures, the scheme of table 4 is similar to that of table 2 for the cardinal directions:


Table 4 – Feng Shui cures according to the position of Venus – by Fabio Petrella

It remains to be considered that although the position of Venus as already said in alignment with the four cardinal points is very important, the intermediate directions must also be studied carefully, in particular the southeast, considered by ancient experts as the luckiest direction par excellence. In the following figure 3 a Feng Shui architectural solution with numerous arched shapes facing east and southeast, to increase the flow of beneficial Qi.

Figure 3 – Living room with arched shapes “Venus” – “Angel candle holders, flower arrangement, chandelier, volcanic stone arch, place settings, set up tables, dining room, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico” by Wonderlane is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Finally, let’s see an example of astrological application to the Chinese Compass:

Venus angular to the west, conjunct Black Moon and Mercury. In reality, the configuration is very complex because in azimuthal there are two stellium that face each other between east and west, as can be seen in graph 1 here:

Graph 1 – Example of angular position to the west of Venus in altoazimuthal coordinates – by Fabio Petrella

If we read graph 1 with respect to the division into eight sectors of the Chinese Compass, the Venus in question will be found in the seventh sector starting from the north between 247°30’N and 292°30’N, which is attributed to the White Tiger, the west direction and the energy of the Metal: Venus has azimuth 263°25’N and therefore is located right in the center of this sector.

The Feng Shui solution to harmonize Venus presented in the chart passes through a global attention to the astrological conflict on the west-east axis, and therefore it will be necessary to maximize the care of the opposition that read on the Chinese Compass means a conflict between Tiger and Dragon.

As suggested by table 2, the fundamental key to balancing Venus according to Feng Shui is to build an energetic bridge between Metal and Wood, increasing the Water energy that reduces the excess Metal and helps the Wood to grow, although strictly controlled from the west.

From a practical point of view, solutions have been adopted not only through shapes, colors and materials of the Water type, but also through crystals and therapeutic stones, given the complexity of the situation; in particular, dioptase, called Venus stone, was used (shown in figures 4 and 5), positioned exactly to the west, in perfect alignment with the Venus of the altoazimuthal horoscope.

Figure 4 – Raw Venus stone: dioptase, suitable for harmonizing astrological criticalities related to VenusDioptase with calcite and minrecordite – Tsumeb Mine (Tsumcorp Mine), Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region (Oshikoto), Namibia (5.5x4cm) By Didier Descouens – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Figure 5 – Worked Venus Stone: Dioptase, suitable for harmonizing astrological criticalities related to Venus – Dioptase Location: Christoff Mine, Kaokoveld Plateau, Kunene Region, Namibia (Location on Size: Miniature, 2.16 carats Dioptase (2.16 carat gem) Miniature (2.16 carats). Dioptase gems larger than 1 carat are very difficult to obtain. Although not completely clean, this one is mostly transparent overall and has a uniform, saturated color. A beautiful rare gem. A rare, well-cut gem of considerable size, cut by Spectrum Award winner Mark Kaufman. Ex. Charlie Key. By Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0,