Wild Fennel and Feng Shui

Wild fennel is a very important plant in green alchemy and can be used to heal the house with Feng Shui.


Wild fennel flowers – Photo by Sabine from Pixabay

Wild fennel is associated with the fourth chakra, the energy of Fire and the Serpent; therefore the reference to the Caduceus, the winged staff of Mercury formed by two snakes, symbol of the healing art, is evident.

The position of Mercury these days at its rising (5:03 am) is 69°N of azimuth, towards NE, and in the ecliptic at 15° in the sign of Taurus, in wide trine to the Moon in Capricorn, oriented to the SW in the Chinese Feng Shui Compass.

Planetary positions at sunrise projected on the Earth’s horizon and congruent with the Chinese Compass

Since wild fennel is a very easy plant to maintain, it can also be grown in a large pot, on a terrace, with calcareous soil mixed with sand and excellent drainage on the bottom, in a sheltered position but well lit by the sun. It will therefore be appropriate to align the position of the pot with the azimuthal one, with the help of a compass, choosing the direction appropriately which should be towards the northeast at about 70°N.


A group of fennel plants growing in pots in a garden in the village of Trimingham, Norfolk, England. By Kolforn (Kolforn)I’d – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=92323573

The effectiveness of Feng Shui treatment with plants, such as fennel in our case, is greater if it is strengthened with the use of a therapeutic stone: given the favorable position of the Moon in a wide trine to Mercury, as explained before, it is advisable to place a selenite in the southwest direction, and, precisely, at 198°N following the needle of a normal compass. This stone is particularly suitable for strengthening the feminine southwest-northeast axis of the Ba Gua and therefore will easily enter into harmony with Mercury and will facilitate the alignment of the house with the astral, also protecting it from negative influences, thanks to the presence of fennel, as the ancient healing tradition of herbs teaches.