Saint Michael line

Saint Michael line : history of the spirit and alignments between heaven and earth with a magical vision in time and space.

Saint Michael Line

After the last frames of Star Wars episode 7, even the esoteric alignment that for hundreds of years had been attracting more or less restricted  circles of “adepts”, has been revealed to the general public, or, at least, the starting point of the line, namely the evocative profile of the island of Skelling Michael, off the coast of Ireland.

Saint Michael Line
Skelling Michael island (Ireland) – ” File:Skelling Michael.jpg” by Emeraldcustomtour is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

The year of the first settlement on Skelling by Protocristian monks is 588 D.C. Shortly before, there had been places of Michael worship  at Saint Michael’s Mount in Cornwall (495 D.C.), at Monte Sant’Angelo in Puglia (490 D.C.) and in the island of Symi in Greece (450 D.C.).

Saint Michael line is completed by two other places of worship that arose in later times: the first at Mont Saint Michael in Normandy (706 AD) and the second on Mount Pirchiriano in Val di Susa with the beginning of the construction of the Sacra di San Michele (966 AD).

A separate mention deserves the seventh point that is the key to this alignment: the Armageddon mountain along the chain of Mount Carmel in Israel.

Part of the tradition attributes the seventh point to the monastery of Mount Carmel, but it is an erroneous attribution – even if meaningful – because Mount Carmel is a sacred place; in fact it is said that there lived the prophet Elijah, who had a vision of the coming of the Virgin and as well as her, he was taken up into heaven. The Marian tradition of the Madonna del Carmelo grew on this mountain. As a matter of fact, the line including six points above, which starting from Skelling covers 4200 km on the curved surface of the earth, can be traced without a big mistake making it pass through Mount Carmel, but a little further south still on this mountain range we find the mountain Armageddon, currently Tel Megiddo, whose position allows us to draw a line much more precise than the remaining points, as it will be shown later. To support this geographical hypothesis, it should be kept in mind that Mount Armageddon, already a theater of battles and an extremely important archaeological site, is the place cited by John’s Apocalypse in which the final battle would take place between the forces of Evil and those of Good guided by the archangel warrior par excellence, namely the archangel Michael. However, we will see in the final part of the article that the energies involved are two, one solar and one lunar; therefore also the role of Mount Carmel and of the Marian cult finds its precise explanation.


Saint Michael Line
Tell Megiddo, history and archeology (since 7000 A.C. to 500 A.C.) – By AVRAM GRAICER – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

This is how the past and the future meet on this “synchronic” Saint Michael’s line: from the Neolithic settlements of Tell Megiddo to the Star Wars warriors there is a common thread that brings us back to Skelling where Celtic Irish monks had settled.

The Gaelic name of the island is Sceilig Mhichíl, while the rocks that dominate the landscape and constitute the building material of the very small monastic cells are sandstones originated during the Devonian  (geological date datable around 390 M of years ago) with a typically red color.

From a geographical point of view, the site is 4200 km away from Megiddo and its azimuth is 134 ° according to a program of spherical trigonometry; as we will see, all the other points have their azimuth along the line with an approximation of 9°, so that the alignment is almost perfect. Another interesting aspect is that the main direction of opening of the ancient settlement is between 90 ° and 120 °N,  between east and southeast,  directed towards the rising sun but also towards Israel.

Now we come to the second point of saint Michael line: Saint Michael Mount which is on the island of Iktis in Cornwall (Karrek Loos y’n Koos in Cornish). Saint Michael’s cult is linked to a Benedictine abbey, which was then destroyed, born in times after the Michaelite settlement in Brittany to recall an apparition of the archangel dated 495. Survival of Michael’s cult is a church (photo on the top left) currently included in the 16th century fortress.

Saint Michael Line
The island of Iktis in Cornwall is very reminiscent of the position of Mont Saint Michael in Brittany –  
By Unknown author – This image is available from the United States Library of Congress’s Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID ppmsc.08234.This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing., Public Domain,
“Photographs in this collection were published before 1929 and are therefore in the public domain.” from the Wikimedia Commons

From a geographical point of view, the site is 3850 km from Megiddo and even here the azimuthal orientation is similar to the others (132°), while the church is oriented exactly to the east. The geological period should correspond to the Devonian granite (410 M of years ago).

The third point crossing saint Michael line  is one of the most famous, perhaps the most popular one: it is  Mont Saint Michael in Normandy, a landscape icon of northern France.

Saint Michael Line
Mont Saint Michel, one of the entrances to the Underground World – Foto di Paul Henri Degrande da Pixabay

Actually, the original name of the mountain hides the cult that preceded the Michaelite one, which dates back to 700 AD. The site was sacred to Celtic rites and was considered the tomb of the god Beleno. In the same place the Black Madonna, the Queen of the Underground World, was then venerated. Here are the reasons why we can believe that this mountain, like many others, was considered one of the entrances to the underworld.

Mont Saint Michael, that in Breton is named Menez Mikael ar Mor, is  3520 km far from the Armageddon with an azimuth of 131°. The geological substratum of the island is constituted by Cambrian leucogranites  (525 million years ago).

The church on the top of the mountain dedicated to St. Peter is oriented at about 260 ° N,  to the west.

After passing three points in northern European areas, we enter Italy through the Val di Susa where, at its entrance, we find the Pirchiriano mount on which, around the year 1000, the “Sacra di San Michele” was built.The origin of the name of this mount is controversial: it could be Porcarianus (due to pigs that were grazing on it) or Pir-Kyrianos (Fire of the Lord, the globe of fire that appeared to the founder of the Sacra), but neither of these two interpretations is excluded, because it often happens that in this kind of places historical stratifications overlap linguistic ones and vice versa.

Saint Michael Line
The Sacra di San Michele near Turin, at the entrance of the Val di Susa – “‘The Sacred mantled by the snow’” by Elio Pallard is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
The interesting aspect for our analysis is that, after passing three sites on the sea which are geologically very old, we register two “high” places. In particular, the Sacra located at 962 m above sea level is the absolutely highest point on the line and the furthest from the sea. It is 2760 km far from Armageddon and the geological substratum consists of serpentinites and antigorite schists (Mesozoic, 250-65 M of years ago), significantly more recent than the geologies of the three northern European sites. The azimuth of the Sacra is 128° with Megiddu and the direction of the church is 270°N (West). Perhaps due to the natural characteristics of the site, suitable for spiritual retreat, the Sacra is still today a monastery ruled by several abbots from 999 to today, and recently by the order of Rosminiani Fathers.
Approaching the Mediterranean, we find the fifth point of the line, Monte Sant’Angelo, formerly Mount Drion or Monte Gargano in Puglia, the second highest site with 796 m above sea level, and probably the oldest of ancient sites. Its foundation is traced back to 490 D.C., in a cave geologically belonging to the Cretaceous period (65 M of years ago), already home to pre-Christian cults. Here it should be remembered that in the early Middle Ages, that is in the first period of expansion of the Christian faith, the figures of the Archangels, already present in the Old Testament and confirmed by the Christian Church, were very useful in replacing the pagan gods in the various geographical areas. Thus we witness the reconfiguration of the warlike features of Odin-Wotan in the Celtic pantheon and of the thaumaturgical ones of Asclepius-Apollo in the Greek pantheon, not forgetting to mention those of Hermes Psychopompus merged in a single character, that of the archangel Michael.


Saint Michael Line
Saint Michael’s Church and Grotto at Monte Sant’Angelo in the Gargano (Italy) – User:Nikater, CC BY-SA 3.0  by Wikimedia Commons

As for the position on the line, Monte Sant’Angelo has an azimuth of 126* with Megiddu; its distance from Armageddon is 1970 km, while the church is directed to the north. It is difficult to calculate the exposure of the cave.

Finally, the sixth point before Armageddon is the island of Symi, just north of Rhodes, with its orthodox monastery near Panormitis, located at sea level, with a geology presumably made up of recent calcareous marine sediments.

This is the closest point to Israel (800km), with an azimuth of 125° with Megiddu, and it’s characterized by a relatively recent construction (1100th D.C.) even if the era of Saint MIchael’s vision is reported to 450 D.C.

Saint Michael Line
Panormitis Monastery, Symi Island (Rhodes) – “File:Simi, klasztor Świętego Michała nad Zatoką Panormitis – 14.09.2008 r..JPG” by Aw58 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

After this excursus on the seven sites, there is nothing left to say but  ask oneself what could be the meaning of Saint Michael line, highlighted below which does not appear straight on the account of the curvature of the earth, Nevertheless, this has been taken into account by a program of spherical trigonometry, verified by ArcGIS,  whose application allowed to report a table containing the angular distances of the six monasteries to two places: Megiddu and Mount Carmel. They are  only few kilometers distant from each other so that there is not a significant difference in the choice between them to calculate their angular distance from the six monasteries. Consequently we can assume that the end of the lineshould be in any case located in Israel.

Saint Michael line
The seven points of Saint Michael’s line – Image from Google Earth, modified by Fabio Petrella
SitesLongitudeLatitude azimuth to Megidduazimuth to Mount Carmel
Mt. St. Michel-1,5462348,62449 131,28388131,13103
Sacra di S. Michele7,3400445,09637 128,34122128,13917
S. Michele Arcangelo15,9548241,70807 126,37788126,09608
Mount Megiddo35,1755532,58002   
Skelling Michael-10,5386151,77222 134,10124133,97814
St. Michael’s Mount-5,4775050,11583 132,63635132,49874
Greek Orthodox Monastery of Taxiarchis Mihail Panormitis27,8461136,54833 125,36483124,72260
Mount Carmel35,0483932,74273 

From these data, several hypotheses can be made, essentially of two types.

The first could be a connection between macrocosm and microcosm. This opens up a complex astronomical chapter in which many variables can be taken into consideration, starting from the 4 Royal Stars traditionally associated with the 4 archangels, up to the solstice and equinoctial points and to other important points such as the galactic center.

Once the variables have been chosen, it is a matter of verifying- on a temporal scan which is actually rather vast – how the celestial points are configured with respect to the alignment.

Saint Michael Line
Azimuth of the 4 Royal Stars at Sacra di San Michele in 999 A.C.

In the example above we see the Sun at sunset exactly aligned to the west of the main axis of the Sacra at the spring equinox of the year 999 while Aldebaran, the star corresponding to the archangel Michael and ruling the cardinal point of the east, is located 30° from the Sun in a semisextile angle.

The simplest astronomical interpretation is that the rising Sun at the winter solstice is at 125 ° of azimuth (at 45° of latitude),  therefore precisely on this line: this space-time in Michael’s and Apollo’s sacred places  would become even more important because the date of December 21 is associated with Christ’s birth, the solar symbol and healer par excellence. With the Sun entering Capricorn, the new seasonal cycle starts, and the return of Light is celebrated with the beginning of the New Year.  All the seven points of the line at the solstice of December 21 are enlightened by the Sol Invictus.

Saint Michael Line
The Sun at 125 ° in azimuth rising at the winter solstice

Even without any astronomical correspondence, however, the line could be traced back to a terrestrial form with a celestial value, according to a typical Feng Shui parallelism. The forms that can be recognized are those of the sword and the cross, adding an arm as in the following drawing:

Saint Michael Line
Hypothesis of double perpendicular alignment in the shape of a sword or Cross (the line of San Michele is incomplete) – Image from Google Earth, modified by Fabio Petrella

In this example, the second alignment consists of the following sites: Monastery of Santa Maria de Monfero in Galicia, Nantes in Brittany, Paris, Liège in Belgium and Hildesheim in Germany. These sacred sites include four churches dedicated to St. Michael and a Marian monastery. This line would form the short side of the Cross or the hilt of Michael’s sword.

 There are actually many sacred centers dedicated to the archangel Michael and therefore there are many possible geometric combinations but, remaining on the rectilinear direction with the azimuth closed to the line of the solstices, seven points are added to the canonical ones: Lucca (church of San Michele in Foro) , Florence (Orsanmichele), Perugia (church of San Michele Arcangelo) and Rome (Castel Sant’Angelo), without forgetting two less important places from an artistic-architectural point of view such as the church of San Michele in Castiglione Garfagnana and the bridge of San Michele al Serchio in the province of Lucca.

Moreover, If we should add the pairs of synchronous lines as suggested for example by Sig Lonegren, a masculine one and a feminine one, then we could also run after Saint Michael’s line along with Mary’s line not in a straight line and find their passages also in Paris Notre Dame, in Delphi (Apollo = Michael) and Athens (Athena = Mary). The terminal of the masculine yang line “Saint Michael’s line” would be Mount Armageddon, while the terminal of the sister yin line “Saint Mary’s line” would be Mount Carmel. This hypothesis is confirmed by Letizia Garozzo in her fascinating kabbalistic article on Michael the Archangel when she cites the numerological references of Mount Megiddu and Mount Carmel, 10 and 16 respectively, the sum of which gives 26, the Tetragrammaton.


Here is an example taken from “Mistery Hunters” of the two lines (Ley lines) along Saint Michael’s line in England

A subsequent study on the alignment of St. Michael in England follows the same methodology of this article and calculates its exact orientation according to the azimuths of the sites.

Saint Michael Line