The Apocalypse 4 Knights and Feng Shui

The Apocalypse 4 Knights and Feng Shui: esoteric interpretation of the meaning and astrological attributes for the local space and the directions of the Chinese Compass useful for home protection.

The book of the Apocalypse or of the Revelation is perhaps the most obscure text of the New Testament and among the various apparitions described by John, the most fearsome and leaving more room for the collective and individual imagination is constituted by the Apocalypse 4 Knights who ride 4 horses of white, red, black and green.

Apocalypse 4 Knights

The Apocalypse 4 Knights by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov – By Viktor Vasnetsov –, Public Domain,

The simplest interpretations easily deducible from the text lead to associate the Apocalypse 4 Knights and their horses respectively: conquest, war, famine and death, according to a crescendo that is perfectly suitable to the apocalyptic spirit.

Even the symbols described are of the same nature: bow and crown, sword, scales of justice and death (in the figure of Hades).

From these few elements a huge amount of interpretations has developed, very often linked to the historical circumstances and the religious and theological implications underlying it.

Navigating this complex labyrinth is a titanic feat to say the least, but if you wish to find an Ariadne’s thread to get out of it, once again Astrology, the regal and esoteric science par excellence, comes to our aid.

As well explained in the text “Apocalypse: A Commentary on Revelation in Words and Images” by Robert H. Smith (enriched by reproductions of very famous works by Albrecht Durer and published by The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota), the 4 horsemen are nothing but the “dark” side of the 4 angels, or rather the 4 archangels, well-known to us as bearers of positive energy. Smith in fact demonstrates how the Angels of the Apocalypse are associated with the 4 corners of the world with the winds and plagues, a sign that in certain times and situations, the energies inspired by the 4 archetypal directions, which the Universe is built upon, can push towards destruction.

Albrecht Durer: The Apocalypse 4 Knights- By Sailko – Own work, CC BY 3.0,

It is therefore possible to construct an analogical scheme that leads to connect the Apocalypse 4 Knights with the zodiac signs, the planets and the royal stars, which in turn represent the 4 archangels.

Apocalypse 4 Knights
Table of astral correspondences between the Apocalypse 4 Knights and the 4 Archangels – scheme by Fabio Petrella

The “evil” power of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse can be unleashed at any moment in time and space, even if the traditional exegesis places the event in a precise moment, namely the Armageddon “The end of the world”, both on an individual and collective level.

To exorcise nefarious transits and adverse astral conjunctions, it is possible to protect your home and therefore yourself, by using a “magic” shield made up of an energy network fed by stones and crystals, oriented according to “ad hoc” astrological azimuth graphs. Here we are highlighting a general pattern that can then be contextualized for specific environments. It should be noted that the directions of the Feng Shui Compass coincide exactly with the colors of the horses described by John in the Apocalypse, so we have a perfect correspondence between the knights, the guardian stars, the archangels and the cardinal directions that lead us to orient the Feng Shui Compass in our homes with the purpose to find the right position for our energy remedies.

Apocalypse 4 Knights
Correspondence table between the 4 Apocalypse Knights, the 4 Archangels, the 4 Guardian Stars and the healing stones – diagram by Fabio Petrella
Southern Warding Stone (Red) – Rough Ruby – By Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0,