The three energy plans of Feng Shui

The three energy plans of Feng Shui: the ancient thought and the loss of a global vision

As already explained in previous articles and in the book The Red Thread of Feng Shui, in ancient China as well as in the rest of the planet, civilizations had in their early days an approach to the surrounding world that we would call holistic in our day.

This means that the relations between Heaven and Earth were looked at through the symbols and language of that time with a close correspondence. In addition, great attention was payed to the flow of Qi not only on the surface but also in the underground part, with particular reference to the water cycle.

Phoenix Dragon -Afbeelding van Tú Thúy via Pixabay

Feng Shui, in its modern cultural path, has lost much of this “holistic” vision, partly because of the distorted interpretation that in our times usually shows it as a matter for architects and interior designers, partly because in the meantime Astronomy and his sister Astrology have separated, and partly because even in the technical-scientific field, looking at geomorphology and geology has always been an awkward issue  for urban planning.

At the end of all this reductive process, when designing or analyzing a house one cares a lot about the interior, not about the immediate surrounding environment, and absolutely not about what is under his feet and above his head.

Modern pragmatic spirit, superficiality, loss of contact with a deeper vision?

Perhaps it’s the combination of all these factors, but the fact is that, until a bridge does not fall over the houses built on the riverbed of a stream, no one pays attention to the absurdity of the choices made and to the superficiality of the man of the third millennium.

Yet a geomagnetometer, that is an instrument certainly not coming from the hidden evil as someone might think of a divining rod, would be enough to show that the geomagnetic natural fields are heavily altered by the presence of tons of reinforced concrete and the shape waves are distorted by huge and disharmonious structures.

Six billion people on Earth are certainly too many and the sustainability of the planet is becoming a chimera, so structures bringing imbalance and disharmony are bound to be greater, to allow faster and faster communications to a population exponentially increased in terms of number and of claims of well-being.

But if you really wish to make your home an energetically bright spot, this is still possible.

The first thing to do is connecting three plans between them, which have always been connected among them, but as modern man doesn’t acknowledge this connection, they can produce unwanted and unfavorable interactions with what was planned by the man himself.

These complex interactions are the ones which are responsible for facts and destinies in the microcosm too, in a perfectly calibrated space-time network which  determines the synchronicity of the three plans.

It is time to examine in detail these three plans  mentioned above.

The earth plan is the easiest to interact with and is the one that we manipulate more easily, for better or for worse.

Moving a table or changing a curtain are the classic furniture arrangements which modify the flow and quality of Qi in our homes, reported een by the most popular and low profile Feng Shui handbooks.

So using the famous Ba Gua (The Eight Directions of the Chinese Compass) and a house plan we can easily obtain the pattern of the terrestrial energies of an environment by means of the Feng Shui method.

Ancient Ba Gua with a sky map – Di 何汝賓 – 兵錄 明朝, Pubblico dominio,

 Paying attention to Heaven (Astrology) and to the underground (Geobiology), on the other hand, is less usual, and if there is one, it is often separated from the analysis of the microcosm of a house with or without Feng Shui.

Except if using the Flying Stars method, the time parameter (Astrology) is not taken into account for a house, and nor is the telluric network that could also heavily influence the energy of the Earth’s surface.

The use of a horoscope projected into terrestrial geographic coordinates, the so-called azimuthal plan, allows us to add “Heaven” information to the Ba Gua scheme of the house.

But we do know that without knowing where the “veins of the Dragon” are, the analysis of ancient Feng Shui would be very incomplete: aquifers and faults change the Earth’s geomagnetic field and also influence the weak human electromagnetic field. We know that within our body the functioning of the cells is focused on a molecular exchange essentially conveyed by water, which is an easily adjustable dipole based on the presence or absence of an external magnetic field.

So it is easy to understand that both the energy of the earth field and the ever-changing astral field influence the quality and type of energy in our homes and, consequently, our lives. Dowsing and using geomagnetometers for measurements is a great help in building telluric energy maps.

How to shield oneself from the combination of “negative” terrestrial, telluric and astral influences, and how to stimulate the “positive” ones, is the true field of Feng Shui knowledge, as it was created and evolved since the origins of civilization.
Recovering this knowledge through its study and taking advantage of the means provided by science and technology, in an integrated way, is not really easy, but quite desirable if we want to recover some of the good Qi that still permeates the Universe and is essential to give a happy destiny to our loved planet Earth.