The Women’s Day 2024

Let’s celebrate Women’s Day with Astrology and Fengshui by arranging our home with lunar plants according to today’s astral map.

Women's Day

A flower for Women’s Day 2024: the Peony, the first healing plant discovered by the son of Aesculapius, Peonius – Photo by Ralph from Pixabay

We see that the Sky today presents a triple conjunction with Venus, Moon and Mars that fall in azimuthal in the Earth sector of the Ba Gua. This configuration is very powerful as it occurs shortly before the new moon and therefore in a phase of great potential of the solar-lunar cycle.

Taking advantage of this energy today means putting into action a Fire-Earth combination of the Wu Xing in our homes by making the best use of plants and herbs and projecting in its preferred direction (southwest) the most positive sources of the saving Great Mother coupled with the powerful masculine energy of the god Mars, who brings every initiative to completion, always hitting the target. We choose among all the first and oldest medicinal plant, the peony, not by chance a lunar plant and, together with it, the mugwort, sacred to Diana. We complete the feminine botanical triptych with the herba prosperpinaca, the knotweed and we add a thorny shrub to symbolize Mars: the Marruca (Paliurus spina christi), a very ancient plant, of European origin, already known at the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Spina christi is grown as a border plant or as a hedge with thorns. The name Paliurus spina christi has a biblical origin, in fact it refers to the crown of thorns placed on the head of Christ during the crucifixion.

Women's Day
Artemisia, a lunar plant sacred to Artemis/Diana. “Artemisia absinthium 0002” by H. Zell is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Women's Day
Marruca martial shrub – Paliurus spina-christi fruit, İzmir, Turkey By Veyis Polat from İzmir, Türkiye – Kendinden Şemsiyeli, CC BY 2.0,